miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

huge history of london!!!!!!!!!!!!

This huge building is in london, the capital of london.since i saw it in live i didnt get so impress for a building anymore. i have spend like 1 hour just to go up and one to go down, all my interchange family was bored after 4 hours but i thougth that it was so great becose of the design, the history and the tecnics. I have enjoy this so much that i felt more in the old years of the city that in the british museum.was designed by the court architect Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710 after its predecessor was destroyed in the Great Fire of London, the same that have burn the glove of shakespeare.The stile is baroque and really get the idea of this stile ... make you fell small for all the details and huge places , i felt so impress when i went to the top that i had to scream. was just great!!!

welcome to bbc.co.uk a crazy place

thats is a really a place that i didnt spect to find out, every place that i tried before to learn a lenguage was really bored, but this one is really really funny. We have here crazy teachers, intelectual games and coneccion with people that want to learn it like you, with videos , mp3 s pictures , etc... i have listen a really funny teacher that made me laugh so hard that i couldnt put atention the first time and i realise that i weas understanding very easy just becose it was fun to me. when you get use to use all your energy to learn becose is funny it take another sense becose you enjoy this and you arent specting to finish, you are having a great time and you dont care how much you work, ik become another thing but not a work.Is just like when you listen a song that you really like and you can remember this song for weeks. you learn it without feel the pression of learn it rigth. you lose the fraid and start to enjoy.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

hunter of information

well, when i have read first this work i thought a lot about what is my favorite place in internet and after a while i realized that i dont have any one. Iuse internet more like a hunter of informationand thats why i think that the most important place in internet for me is google. i like to make a lot of things at the same time and i dont have any order. i think thats why i like this place to much. this give me the order that i need. i will not talk about the first time that i saw that place becose every one knows about how old is this and every one use it, I will just say that without this place my ciber live surelly could be a caos.Another very nice place is wikipedia that could sometime doesnt say the true in every concept but help a lot if you want to have a ample vision of diferent kind of studies, if you need to find something of the university or just study about something that you like.i also luke a lot download music and a good program is always emule or ares.I like to study guitar but i need a lot of partitures to read and they are really hards to find, but if you are smart you will use a seachprogram like
bitcomet where you can find almost everithing and very quickly. Hunt information is art and if you know how to do it every door will be open easy.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Victory City is just a jail for humanity

Rules, rules and rules, everithing in this idea seems like striaight rules.The entire design is to ocuped in efficiency and forget everything about the intention of create a space with a special identity, mixing culture of the people that live in that place proposing a gentil area for the diferent activities of the culture himself. Just imagine all the cities in the worl are just the same losing the identity of his population. surely this could make lose the pliscological balance of a lot of people becose they will feel in a jail, and economically they will have no freedom becose everithing will be a monopoly of industry. In another hand i think the problems they put on the table are really importants but the cause is ´because today everyone can built a house,A lot of engineers make the work of arquitects and city planners. This is a very big problem becose they havent any idea of space so they are just tryng to spend less money in a strong contruccion in any place without even think about the nature or social problems.