miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Victory City is just a jail for humanity

Rules, rules and rules, everithing in this idea seems like striaight rules.The entire design is to ocuped in efficiency and forget everything about the intention of create a space with a special identity, mixing culture of the people that live in that place proposing a gentil area for the diferent activities of the culture himself. Just imagine all the cities in the worl are just the same losing the identity of his population. surely this could make lose the pliscological balance of a lot of people becose they will feel in a jail, and economically they will have no freedom becose everithing will be a monopoly of industry. In another hand i think the problems they put on the table are really importants but the cause is ´because today everyone can built a house,A lot of engineers make the work of arquitects and city planners. This is a very big problem becose they havent any idea of space so they are just tryng to spend less money in a strong contruccion in any place without even think about the nature or social problems.

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