miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

welcome to bbc.co.uk a crazy place

thats is a really a place that i didnt spect to find out, every place that i tried before to learn a lenguage was really bored, but this one is really really funny. We have here crazy teachers, intelectual games and coneccion with people that want to learn it like you, with videos , mp3 s pictures , etc... i have listen a really funny teacher that made me laugh so hard that i couldnt put atention the first time and i realise that i weas understanding very easy just becose it was fun to me. when you get use to use all your energy to learn becose is funny it take another sense becose you enjoy this and you arent specting to finish, you are having a great time and you dont care how much you work, ik become another thing but not a work.Is just like when you listen a song that you really like and you can remember this song for weeks. you learn it without feel the pression of learn it rigth. you lose the fraid and start to enjoy.

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